The 22 Imperatives of Leadership: #10 – Leaders Are Not Necessarily the Smartest and Best

If you’re always the smartest, most talented,
and most skilled in the room—you’ re in the wrong room!

James Arthur Ray, Leadership Skills, Leadership Qualities

We’re in our 10thweek of exploring the 22 Imperatives of a new kind of Leadership that’s much needed in our world. If you’re just joining, go here to catch up.

Many a would-be leader has hampered himself due to his own arrogance and ignorance.

Authentic leaders are often not the most knowledgeable. They are not the best performers; and they are not the smartest people in the room.

Authentic leaders have little need to always be right or
to have all the answers, they only have a need for results!

James Arthur Ray, Leadership Skills, Leadership Qualities

While leaders do have knowledge, ability to perform and intelligence, to have these things above and beyond all their team members, at all times, is just plain ignorance.

Not to mention next to impossible, unless you build a company of a bunch of lesser performers that just stroke your ego.

If you think you’re always right, then you’re actually seriously wrong.
If you think you know everything, then you actually know nothing.

James Arthur Ray, Leadership Skills, Leadership Qualities

Authentic leaders build opinionated and talented teams; and they embrace respectful friction to figure things out.

The cute little meme floating around “there is no I in team” is known by authentic leaders to be complete and total BS.

Different opinions, ideas, diversity of culture, background, ethnicity, gender and age are all much needed assets to be leveraged by the authentic leader.

These leaders love different views and styles.

They work to unleash the creativity and power of all those they work with irrespective of position or title.

Whether your title is receptionist or VP of Sales, you have a creative mind and the ability to bring your unique greatness to the game.

The cute little meme floating around “there is no I in team”
is known by authentic leaders to be complete and total BS.

James Arthur Ray, Leadership Skills, Leadership Qualities

Leaders don’t just only look for great team members—authentic leaders see the greatness within everyone; and they constantly work to bring this greatness out from within each person; and allow it to emerge.

Finally, leaders understand that everyone has an “A” game. Something they’re uniquely gifted and great at doing—including themselves; and they do two major things:

  1. They have the Self-Awareness to know their own “A” game, and they recruit and attract individuals to their team whose “A” game is the equivalent of their “B” and “C” game.
  2. They work to get everyone (including themselves) playing their own personal A game.

Authentic leaders know that if they’re spinning their wheels and wasting precious time doing their own B and C game, they’ll never be able to pilot the ship of their company where it needs to go.

When leaders find the A game players that pick up their B and C game, their job is to empower these individuals to run with it; and to constantly remove any and all blocks that may get in their team members way.

Remember we stated in our last installment that “Authentic leaders attract and work with other leaders. Not followers.”

The 22 Imperatives of Leadership: #9 –Leaders Manage Leaders

So, once these other A Game Leaders are a part of the team, they let them run; and they empower and assist them in running faster.

There’s no time for micro-management for an authentic leader.

Because as we’ve previously discussed, Authentic Leaders manage themselves.

Be a Leader. Live Your Purpose; and Take Your Power Back!

James Arthur Ray Secret



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