Are You Really Thinking or Being Thought?

Most like to “think” they think.
But, they’re just running a socialized program.
They’re not really thinking, they’re being thought.

One of the greatest lessons I’ve learned of true leadership is the distinct difference between “liberty” and “freedom.”

When you truly make this distinction it’s a complete game-changer.

Liberty is the ability to come and go and do as you please.

Freedom, is totally independent of liberty. Freedom, is the ability to choose to think and experience whatever you choose to think and experience.

Big difference.

True Leadership is the ability to think what you choose to think
regardless of current appearances.

When I was imprisoned, I had very little liberty. I was told where to stand, sit, when to come and when to go. When to turn the lights out and go to bed; and when to get up and out of bed.

I had no choice in what to eat; and no input as to the time when I would eat the so-called food.

So, I had a choice to make.

I could be mad and miserable for two years. Or I could choose to experience this situation in an empowering way.

Either way, I wasn’t going to get any more liberty.

But freedom was mine for the taking.

Liberty is the ability to come and go and do as you please.
Freedom is the ability to choose how to think and experience
the circumstances life throws your way.
Many have vast amounts of liberty, but unfortunately very little freedom.

Bottom line, every single person has the God-given ability to think whatever they choose to think.

Most just don’t do it!


Because it requires far more effort than thinking in alignment with the matrix of appearances.

As a man thinks in his heart, so shall he be.
~ Proverbs 23:7

In my opinion and experience, this is one of the most profound scriptures in the Bible. Unfortunately, most people operate just the opposite. It states:

As you think so shall you be.

Most amateurs practice “As I be (and see) so shall I think.”

Get the difference?

Unable to control his thoughts and feelings,
the amateur spends his entire life chained
to illusion as a slave of the matrix. Take You Power Back!

So, this brings us to the 3rd axiom of the Master Mind:

Every single person has the God-given ability to think whatever they choose to think; and it requires far more effort than thinking in alignment with the matrix of appearances.

Thinking what you choose to think regardless
of appearances is a battle; and it takes far more
energy and effort than thinking in alignment with appearances.

Irrespective of your liberties…

Regardless of your current circumstances…

You can think and experience your situation and circumstances as you choose to think and experience.

Leaders Really Think; and Then They Act!

This is the greatest of human freedoms; and the more you develop this ability, the more you have the power to create new circumstances.

It’s time to Take Your Power Back!

Be a Leader. Live Your Purpose; and Take Your Power Back!


PS. If you have missed the first two Axioms of The Leader Master Mind go here.