Leaders Make Decisions—Even in Chaos

Leaders must make decisions
with the information they have available;
and often pray there’s a forgiving God.

One of the most important things for the true leadership is the ability to make decisions. While this may seem self-evident, the vast majority have very poor decision-making muscles.

Many get caught in the paralysis of analysis.

In today’s world speed is king.
I can do something, totally screw it up and fix it,
faster than you can analyze to perfection and do nothing.

Nowhere is decision making more critical than in times of apparent chaos and crisis.

Believe me.

Been there done that.

In 2009 many criticized the decisions I made post the terrible accident in which I was involved. Armchair warriors always have a “better way” now don’t they?

That’s why they’re armchair warriors versus true Warriors. They’re sitting in their cushy golden palace speculating versus stepping into the arena and getting the job done.

Armchair warriors always have a “better way” don’t they?
That’s why they’re armchair warriors versus true Warriors.
They’re sitting in their cushy palace instead
of stepping into the arena and getting the job done.

Leaders make decisions.

Read and understand “decision fatigue” here when properly understood is a literal game changer.

They take the information they have and make a call.

They realize that the information may be incomplete at the time, yet they also realize that a decision must be made.

Leaders make decisions.
They realize that the information they have may be incomplete;
yet they also realize that they absolutely cannot be indecisive. 

For the leader, there’s no time to wait and analyze; and then wait some more.

Can you imagine the great Spartan king Leonidas stopping to analyze all his options and information in the middle of the battle of Thermopylae?

We don’t need more information.
The world is inundated with information.
What we need is more intuition and action!

Leaders and ultimate performers make quick decisions.

What do you do?

If you’re like most, you gather information, talk to lots of friends, get a lot of input, think about it some more, check some more statistics, think about it some more, and then “decide” you should “sleep on it.”

True leaders make quick decisions with the information they have available.
“Deciding” you’re going to “sleep on it” is NOT a decision!
That’s avoidance and weakness.

The etymology of the word decision, from the original Latin, means “to cut off,”

To cut off from what?

Making a true decision is cutting off from all the BS, and all the information and analyzation, and moving into action.

Big. Bold. Immediate. Consistent.

When I gather enough information to make a decision,
I don’t take a poll. I make a decision.
~ Ronald Reagan

Be a leader of your own life first and foremost; and then you’ll more successfully lead a business and team as well.

Get enough information but lean more heavily on intuition and action. All great leaders and entrepreneurs know that intuition is vastly more powerful than intellect.

Your intuition is your higher-self compelling and calling you forward.

Will you listen?

Will you act?

Don’t let the noise of other people’s opinions
drown out your own inner voice.
~ Steve Jobs

Stay Awake, Love Life, and Be Epic!
